Friday 30 September 2011

Blog Alterations

I've made a few changes to the blog. The layout has been widened and posts re-edited some with new information, although this is an on-going process! There is now a 'Recent Comments' box in the right-hand menu along with a box linking to random posts which generates new results every time the page is refreshed. The 'Popular Posts' section has been reduced to just the title of the post and no longer shows a thumbnail or post summary. The search engine at the bottom of the page still displays results against a dark background, which is almost unreadable, but I'm not sure how to fix it at the moment. The Twitter and FB buttons have been altered and I've also added a new banner which shows the north crescent of Bedford Circus. I think it looks quite good and is an improvement on what was there before!


  1. What a great, great site. Stumbled upon it via Google and spent the afternoon reading dozens of posts. Tremendous. Sad to see what has been lost, but good that there are some who try to remember still. I am convinced there are golden ages yet to come for Exeter and many other cities, though perhaps we shall not see them ourselves. Meanwhile we can but mourn and fight to spare future generations from having more cause for grief than we do.

  2. Thank you so much for the positive comments! The whole idea behind the blog was to remember these lost buildings and streets, to recount their history, to try and show how they fitted into the city and then exactly what happened to them. Your comments are really appreciated.
